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The Port Republic Green Team

We are residents of Port Republic and the surrounding area volunteering to help our community move into the future sustainably. How can we work together to make our green town even greener? What features of our beautiful corner of New Jersey can be saved for our children and grandchildren to enjoy and treasure?  â€‹

Our team was approved unanimously by a City Council resolution on February 8, 2022, and soon after Sustainable Jersey registered Port Republic as one of the 400+ communities involved in its state-wide network.​ Our current focus is achieving Sustainable Jersey's "Bronze Certification," a tough challenge for small towns.


Some of what we’ve done so far can be found here.


Our future initiatives are here.


More about Sustainable Jersey here: Sustainable Jersey.

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What is Sustainable Jersey?

A state-wide network of municipalities, schools and school districts working to achieve a sustainable New Jersey, one community at a time.

More here.

Our Creative Team and its Creative Community Network are open to any interested artists of the local area. Our goal is to identify, connect, and promote local artisans of all kinds. Having a Creative Team is one of the best first steps toward making a community more sustainable.

Learn more here.

Share your thoughts!


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© 2024 by Port Republic Green Team

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